Title: Sword of Logic
Series: Of Innocence and Empathy
Author: Frogg
Beta: Nilandia and Adam
Rating: FRT-13 (strong language)
Disclaimer: I don't own them. Damnit.
Challenge: 50episodes - Criminal Minds, Morgan/Reid
Table: 2
Prompt: 38. Movie Night
Word Count: 1507 (with quotes from Evolution of Frank)
Author's Note: Spoilers for the end of
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Comments 10
i said it once already but will say it again! i love how you write emily:) good job, and i wonder what will happen next!
As for what's coming, I have vague plans, but I haven't quite decided what's going to wind up happening in a lot of different ways. If it drags out unwritten until the beginning of season 3, we'll have to see what, if anything, I'll be incorporating from early S3, as I am not having Gideon leave OI&E. Sorry. That's just not going to happen.
Although...we'll have to wait and see. I've got this bit of storyline to work on, and another post-Revelations string I'm working on at the moment.
and i wait for s3 too, i bet that here [in poland] it will be over december or january before i see it on tv sadly [but luckly there are very friendly pages like tv-share where you can see all epioseds on-line :)]
write!!!!!!! write!!!!
And here I was panicking because this piece is much more episode-plot driven, rather than a character piece as most of the rest of OI&E has been...
I still have my misgivings about early Emily attitude, but yeah, she's grown on me. And I think she's got a real core of fortitude that I think maybe only Hotch can match. Or something. I dunno, Hotch has this incredible self-control/force of will thing happening that Emily has the beginnings of. The others have their own strengths, but not that. Maybe I'm doing the rest of them an injustice, but I think that commonality is one of the reasons Emily can back Hotch the way she's doing here.
Oh my god, a plot! Kill it, kill it! It's getting awaaaay!
Don't mind me, I'm just in a silly mood.
Thanks! I'll just hope I can live up to expectations.
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