Criminal Minds pondering and stuff from daily life

Jul 02, 2007 18:21

Ok, so. We're getting the house ready to sell, cleaning it up, throwing stuff out, boxing stuff up, etc. We rented a storage locker closer to where we're looking for an apartment, and while my brother and I were filling out paperwork, I saw the best bumpersticker I've seen in a while:

"Bother," said Pooh. "Eeyore, ready two photon torpedoes and lock phasers on the Huffalump. Piglet, meet me in transporter room three."

I cracked up. And had to grab a business card from the locker company's office and write it down.

Note to whoever else may be getting ready to move/getting ready to move out of their parents' house: If/when you're sorting through kitchen utensils to box up and take with you, do NOT put anything you normally use in places where you won't find it. ::mutters about a 15-minute search for the canopener:: So, yeah, leave out a scraper or two, spatula, whisk, set of measuring cups/spoons, canopener (both the cut-the-top-off kind and the punch-holes-in-the-top kind), oven mitts, etc. Your stomach will be glad you did.

I hope everyone else is having as much fun with the poll I put up last night as I am reading the responses coming in. I'm seriously thinking about posting another one. OI&E's post-Evolution of Frank storyline is firming up, but there are still a few things up in the air for that, too. I don't know how much impact it will have on God's Will in Earnest. Since, well, God's Will in Earnest has very little to do with what happened at the end of Evolution...

I think it's rather interesting that the voting on question 1 (which chapter to write next) is pretty much split right down the middle.::reloads poll results page:: Actualy, it's not. Huh. Interesting! (But 75% of the votes are still for two stories, with two others splitting the rest. I'll leave it up to you guys to figure out which ones.)

Last night I was thinking (dangerous, I know). All the guys in the BAU go by their last names. The only girl that does is Penelope. Is that because she's trying to be one of the guys, because her first name is a mouthful, or what? It's been bugging me since I thought of it.

Another ponderable: Is there a connection between Gideon's tendancy to patronize and the fact that of the four men, he's the only one we don't know had major parent-figure related traumas in childhood? Do we actually know anything about Gideon's background, besides the Boston case, the cabin in the woods, and his 'friend' who was killed in Evolution.

I'm sure I had more to say, but I think I'll call it quits now and try and persuade my muse to come out of hiding.

criminal minds

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