Feb 24, 2005 04:10
Tonight sparked the beginning of my rebirth.
After this recent "slump" I've been in, I've decided that I need to get my act together and get on top of my life. I began with the great "cleansing." I went to Meijer and bought a portable closet. This was a problem since my old closet had broken, and had left me with nothing to hang my clothing up on. I have already completed the multi-hour task of getting my room in some sort of order. It currently is to my liking, but may and most likely will change in the near future. I also ripped everything off of my walls, and bought a gallon of fresh white paint. I have yet to open this paint, but will do so sometime tomorrow night, and begin painting and patching the walls and floor. I want everything to be white...a fresh start. Also, although my mom hates when I do this, decided to wash every garment I own. It is a good thing that my mom is in Baltimore again for work. I've done schitzoid things...like arrange my ties by color as they would appear in the rainbow, and have alphabatized my cd collection and my movies/dvds. I have my GameCube games organized into the exact line of thier purchase. Tomorrow, I will also go through my wardrobe, and remove at least half of it. I still have clothes in there that I haven't worn since high school. Ick. I need so much change. I need to go get new clothes...a new pair of black high-top chucks...um...ok, something just never change with me, but yeah...I'm going to now make a list of the things I must do to better myself.
*Complete all past school projects to catch up.
*Get myself on a proper sleep schedule so that I can attend school regularly.
*Get myself on a proper budget so that I can organize my debts.
*Pay back my friends and family that I owe.
*Paint my room.
*Organize my closet.
*Get a haircut.
*Get a resume together, and compile a proper portfolio.
*Buy a computer, so that I can use it to store and make art, music, and store my images in a neat, proper manner.
*Complete an entire comic book.
*Purchase (but first find) a guitar with a sustainer pickup system.
*Purchase a half-stack.
*A drum set, bass guitar, and keyboard would be nice as well, but let's put that as a non-necessary item.
*Save for a new car.
*Save to move out, and then do so.
*Take guitar, piano, and saxophone lessons to better my skills.
*Enroll at Cincinnati State to take classes on web design, flash, and audio/visual. An animation class would be amazing as well. Perhaps business and/or marketing as well.
*Find myself a girlfriend, preferably one ept in music, art, or clothing design. This would not only be a lot of fun, but functional as well. Perhaps an young asian woman of this nature is available? Grrrrrowl.
*Begin stocking and collection liquor and wine.
*Purchase a dvd and vhs player.
*Purchase an I-Pod.
*Purchase a cell phone.
*I would like to have 2 pet ferrets, preferably named "BellaDossimer" and "Gilgamesh." One regular, One albino. Again, a non-necessary item...But it would be so awesome to be half-BEAST MAN!
*Organize and commence the building of my own website, to stock my collective artwork, music, comics, insane rantings, and the like.
*Finally get my Moped running, so I can outrace the car-club kids in races of 10-15 feet.
And so, I believe this concludes tonight's list. That is all.