This week's questions are brought to you courtesy of
cowchi, the letter F, and the number 5...
- Washing machine: front-loader or top-loader?
- Detergent: liquid or powder?
- Rinse cycle: fabric softener or another additive?
- And then: clothesline or dryer?
- Do you fold things straight off the line or out of the dryer? What do you iron (or have
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1. Washing machine: front-loader or top-loader?
It depends on where I'm living. In my apartment in Korea, it's a front loader. The machine at home and at the Boy's apartment are both top loaders.
2. Detergent: liquid or powder?
Usually liquid (Dr. Bronner's!), but recently it's been powder because I ran out of my giant bottle of Dr. Bronner's. I wonder if I'll be able to find it in Sweden without paying through the nose.
3. Rinse cycle: fabric softener or another additive?
I...what? No. I only use the fabric softener sheets.
4. And then: clothesline or dryer?
It depends on where I'm living. At home, I usually use the dryer, though in the summer if it's not going to rain I'll dry things on the porch. I'm the only civilized person in my family besides my mom, so I do my own wash while she does hers, my brother's, and my dad's. I think it's kind of silly to waste the energy to use the dryer for my own wash (which is often just my three work polo shirts and the handful of bottoms that match; in other words, not that much at all) if I don't mind air drying.
In Korea and Sweden, I have an indoor laundry rack. If I ever kept my floor swept well-enough, in Korea I could just toss them on the floor and let the ondul take care of it, but I'm constantly generating dust or shedding hair. But in the winter, I just dump my clothes for the day on the floor next to the bed (I wear things a few times before washing). That way I have a giant pile of clothes that are warm from the ondul right at my fingertips!
5. Do you fold things straight off the line or out of the dryer? What do you iron (or have someone iron for you)?
I don't typically let my clothes sit in the dryer very long at home, so I guess I fold them right away. "Fold" is a generous word, though.
In Korea, they stay on the rack until I feel like wearing them, after which they get hung up (tops), folded (bottoms), or thrown on the floor (everything, in the winter).
In Sweden, they stay on the line until we need to take a shower. The laundry line is right next to the shower head, so you have to move things unless you don't care if they get wet again.
The last time I ever ironed a piece of clothing, it was the eighth grade. It was a red top I needed for a presentation or concert or something I had later; I actually used the home ec classroom. Which leads me to wonder: what happened to that shirt? It was a nice shirt. I could use more like it, actually.
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