Feb 15, 2004 15:12

OK!! I don't even care what anybody else says or what they think, I have the most amazing and best boyfriend in the whole world! And thats sooo true its not even funny! Thank you soo much... that was such a surprise, (after not the best rehearsal shall I say). :) WOW, overjoyed right now. Beaming and sooo happy. Now all I can do is smile. Thank you. I love it! It was extremely unexpected, thats for sure. Ya Valentines Day, ya NEW Lord of the Rings posters and book. That was perfect, no joke!!! :) :) :) I guess its now, where to put the posters... since my walls are completely full already... hehe! I'm so surprised. Speechless...very speechless... With the name and the colours and the putting it out and arranging it and everything. Incredible.

hmmmm... after the long weekend with the relatives and in a cold arena, and dealing with rude people at weddings, and no dish washer, and not a lot of sleep from working at the riding club, and then time keeping at 7am this morning, which emant being up at 5:45am...but not once did he complain, not once...only me, (go figure). This just lifts the spirits...I'm still super tired, but the surprise just makes my whole week, and next week too... (Well of course something else may make that too, may make my life if we let it)...Incredible. :) :) :) :) :) SMILES SmLiEs sMiLeS smiles
Awwww... I believe I have to end writing for now, I will come back to this again later, when words return to my mouth!
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