So I look up my pyschology mark online just now, and guess what... i passed, except i didn't, because they think I didn't finish my five research participation credits that are a requirement for this stupid course, when I DID finish them and have fucking proof of it too. Stupid people, so now my mark is currently dropped down by 10% because of
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I agree that the same people have major catasrophes or so it seems, and believe me whoever you are...don't even get me started with the bad shit thats happened in my life, I'm a conceited person but on this I can knowingly tell you that you or anyone u may know will not be able to compare to everything I have had to go thru my whole life. WHOLE lilfe and it still continues.
No people who post anonymously aren't afraid to speak their minds, but they are afraid to have other people know who said it if they speak their mind for fear of what they might say or do or how they would react, so in turn someone who posts anonymously really isn't donig anyone a favour are they, especially themselves. These people sorta sem cowardly to me but thats just my opinion again. Please feel free to post in my journal on anything you want to. I don't know everything and having other peoples opinion and an outside view is always much welcomed.
So if you are allowd to speak your mind on my topic I will speak mine on yours, you, the one who wont say who you are, can not deny me of that at least. I try my hardest to get thru I really do and try every day to talk to others that I haven't before or some I have, but apparently some people must have said something about me or something, so I've been told, so most people just smirk and walk away. Oh well, it becomes a reoccuring instance in my life really every day.
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