Nephew: Me: "Hipster #2: I'm not pretentious because I'm an American who uses chopsticks; I'm pretentious because I speak fluent Latin."
Nephew: My friend Sean (law school guy) speaks fluent latin.
Me: i just hope he doesnt use chopsticks
Nephew: I'd like to sit in a coffee shop in New York City for a few hours
Me: you totally should
Me: my kid did that. he had a fine time
Me: and he went to a party in this high-rise building he wasnt even invited to
Nephew: I bet if you stake out every coffee shop in new york you could get some good dirt
Me: definitely
Nephew: you just have to find a way to be several hundred places at once.
Me: and be able to drink a whole lotta coffee
Nephew: I had a plan to become increasingly rude and witty but all New Yorkers seem to have me beat. So I don't know if I should try.
Me: keep reaching for the stars