In the end, it was the noise that gave her away.
I was on the couch jamming away at Ultimate Alliance when I heard a noise to my right, by the bookshelf. Now, I had heard noises coming from random parts of the living room for a couple weeks...but nothing panned out. So, when it happened last night, I thought I should check it out...but I was, y'know, playing a game. And then forgot.
So, after waking up this morning, I headed back into the living room and remembered. I took a peek behind the bookshelf, the two-inch gap there...and I saw skin (which she has apparently been
sitting her fat ass on for weeks). MY mind exploded. I looked a little further in and lo and behold...the moment I had played out a million times in my head (and in numerous dreams) occurred. Saw me some snake.
She's still there now, though with a water dish next to her...I think she's been drinking for about ten minutes. Someone's a little thiiirstyyy. I immediately prepped a rat and cleaned behind the toilet (her new favorite eating place). Provided she doesn't try to eat me when I pick up...oh, hey! I could just feed her there. She's already comfy, eh? Hmmmm...
Anyway, there's the end to this long, sorrowful tale. The various methods I've read about for luring a snake out failed gloriously. And though I'm sure we looked there the first night, she somehow pulled some crazy ninja boa tricks...but was given away by the noise. Muhahahahaaa!!
I told you she was still in the house! Bu-yah!!