Jun 26, 2004 15:43
Heya guys! Yesterday was a good day. So I woke up at 1:30..to Janelle on the phone...and I was cranky...
Latest I've slept all summer....my mom's like "you need to start getting up earlier so you can do stuff around the house." I'm like "Ma, I get up every day at like 10:30...I sleep in one day and you blow ur top off! And Sarah gets up every day at like 1...but it's okay for her, and when I do it..it's wrong." Anyways, I had a massive headache.
So I was really behind all day....I got ready n stuff, did some laundry..and went to Janelle's. Thank god I could go over there cuz I'm sick of being here. My mom was being gay.
Anyways, we walked up to Memorial, and met up with Alyse...then Kristan was there...and Munch came. Aww I got see my boy play :) and Trevor and Joel too! The nonliving "storms" beat the living "Ospreys" lol I'm such a loser! Yeah, Jake never showed up..so he didn't do his damn dare! loser!
After the game, we walked to Janelle's to get a car, then we went to the Walsh's. I killed Cody in ERS! I almost lost like a bazillion times..but I am just FRICKIN AWESOME! hehe...so we left at like 11:45 and Janelle dropped off Jake and Trevor...Trev told us that Degrassi was on at 12..and it was new..it was on, but it WAS NOT new! hehe Oh well...it's on tonight. So Janelle and I just went to bed. This morning, we watched Little Rascals, then started watching Pirates, and we decided to have a picnic...That was fun. So my mom picked me up a little while ago.....She won't take me to the music store, so I'm kind of in a bad mood. Yeah, well right now I'm in a chat with Trevor and Cody....so I'll update later (not like anything interesting will happen to me...)