Oct 15, 2006 05:24
Think Fast Survey- answer with the first thing that pops into your head DONT CHEAT!!!
1. My ex is still... a drop kick.
2. I am listening to... Death Defy (Motor Ace)
3. Maybe I should... prepare for tomorrow.
4. I love... my parents.
5. My best friends... have all disappeared!
6. I don't understand... why he's mean to me.
7. I lost my respect for... a few people.
HEY! Where is 8? after 7 and before 9.
9. The meaning of my display name is... based on a concept developed by family friends and a dream I had. (For all you Melbournians and anyone else that is familiar with that Black Blob of ART outside the Victorian Arts Centre - the family friends nicknamed it a "frammit". I had a dream where it chased me down Swanston Street, snapping at me.)
10. Love is... unconditional, but hard to find.
11. Somewhere, someone is... planning a holiday.
12. I will always... strive to be my best.
13. Forever seems like… a dream.
14. I never want to lose... my wallet again!
15. My mobile phone is... next to me.
16. When I wake up in the morning.. .. I wish it was Saturday.
17. I get annoyed at... people who expect heaven and earth, but don't justify receiving it.
18. Parties are... few and far between, in my life.
19. My pet...passed away at the start of this year and I miss her terribly.
22. I really want... things to change and get better. I want the Trifactor. (Happy at home, Happy at work and Happy in Love)
20. Kisses are... Sometimes good.
21. Today I.. will eventually go for a walk to the beach and maybe have a celebratory cocktail! by myself.