Amazing Nine Inch Nails show last night in Toledo. The crowd was really really intense. I have injuries to prove it. But all so worth it. There is nothing better then listening to your favorite music live with thousands of other people that love it just as much as you do.
Damn this has been a crazy week.
Monday - I had school 8-4:30. Studied all after, then went out to dinner/drinks and then to bed.
Tuesday - got a phone call on the way to work from my boss telling me to go to another store today b/c they need help badly. Well it was not much further,(riverview) but that place is a shit hole. worked till 4. Headed home, changed quickly, ran off to Toledo. Got lost in some shitty shitty neighborhood. Finally find the area. Go downtown to find some bars. Which apparently Toldeo is the most boring place, bc we could not even find a area of bars. Back to the arena, NIN show. home at 11:30.
Wed - woke up at 5am. Got to school at 6:30 am to do some studying for my Art History Exam. Quiz also in Chemistry. school over at 4:30, head home, get dan, head to The Palace for the Coldplay Show. Back home and in bed. b/c I now have to work at fucking 6am in riverview again. I was supposed to work late tomorrow so I could sleep in and that is not happening.
Fuck I'm sore and exhausted already, and it is only Wednesday.