work work work. So so excited for my fluff ball! So so uninspired.

Nov 01, 2004 12:27

I'm at work right now. I guess i should be working, but i can't get into it lately. I dunno why. I have to do a few more drafts for some guy, but i totally don't feel inspired today. It's weird, usually i can whip out a draft or two in like 2 hours, but it took me like 3 just to start, and i have to take a break already. Sucks.
I've just been feeling so blah and kind of pukey sick lately. Ugh. I'm so so sick of coffee, but i NEED it, or i feel like this! I just can't bring myself to drink anymore. I heard that someone (Forgive my forgetfulness, i saw it on MSN homepage.)is trying to make caffiene addiction known as a.... oh my. My brain is fried.... you know, when you have something wrong with your... thinking.... brain... you know, a disorder of some sort. Like you're crazy or something. WAHHH! I can't think! Like they were saying that without caffiene, people feel sluggish and can't think and all that. DUH! haha. That is so stupid.
A HA! I looked it up, a MENTAL disorder. Forgive my mentalness. har har. I'm just tired.
WEll, that's just nuts, and just another way to make people think they're crazy.
Anyway, i'm bored and writing about anything that comes to my mind. So, yeah.

Jay is out at the bank right now and he's gonna bring me back a taco salad with NO shell. I can't wait to eat the yummy goodness. haha.

I'm glad it's finally November! But where the hell is the snow?!?!?!? I want some effing snow!

I have a lot to do but i forget what that may be. Ummmm.... I'll wait for Jay to get back. Maybe he'll tell me.

OH, anyone out there who has pets an stuff, you know when you have to take them to get shots and stuff, around how much does that usually cost? Like is it a lot. Will i be able to AFFORD it!? heh. I mean, i'm sure it isn't HUNDREDS is it?
Any idea would be greatly appreciated. yeppers. I KNOW! Maybe i'll look that up, too! *taps head* Smart Jen, Smart.
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