Wait! Wait, please don't scroll past.
Yes, I know you've probably seen at least one other poll like this today. I have, too. In fact, I've seen four polls about popular current fandoms in the last 48 hours or so, mostly as people gear up for year-end stuff. And the results have been oddly variant, depending on who was hosting the poll and the
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And--do you count 'watching and obsessing over vids' as a fannish activity? Because if so, I would be checking a lot more boxes and also adding some. (QaF, for instance. And the O.C. And VMars, and Invisible Man, and Life On Mars and--hell, this is why I like to consider vidding a fandom: it's the only place where I reallly fit!)
*experiences the 20/20 of hindsight*
It is indeed a separate fandom - I approach vids differently than I do stories. And I will totally watch vids in fandoms I don't read, don't know, don't like; it's a whole different deal.
But vidding counts as a fandom. It's just not on there (go ahead and check the "other fandom that isn't a comic book, anime, etc." box) because I second-guessed myself.
I feel very adrift.
Awwww. *pats*
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