My house is more or less under control at this point. I hope. For at least a little while. So I should be able to return to recommending and ranting and whatever other things people hope to find here.
Status report, for those who like detail in their real life updates. )
Well, OK. Once upon a time, lo these many years ago, a young and innocent lass wandered into a certain aisle at Target. This is an aisle that is shelf-to-shelf shocking pink, yet inexplicably does not have a sign warning casual visitors about eye damage.
In between the sarcastic remarks about the girl dolls on the shelf, this lass - whose innocence was rapidly waning - found some "boy" dolls. (And I put boy in quotation marks because said dolls clearly explain the current vogue for gayboys and gaysex amongst women; they were less boylike than I am.) And she didn't just find the "boy" dolls; she found them deeply, deeply amusing. And so, after much deliberation, she purchased one who appeared to be dressed as a member of the Village People.
Time passed, and the lass acquired many other Ken Dolls (for such they were), including one sporting the two-toned hairstyle we see only in pictures documenting 1970s San Francisco, the one sporting a mustache we see, again, mostly in those same pictures, and the two different dolls wearing what appears to be fetish gear. The lass also managed to find a Ken version of every member of the Village People but the Indian, and a non-Ken whose name should've been Catamite Boy. And great was her rejoicing.
Then she packed said dolls away during one of her moves, and they did not come to light for many an age. (OK, a couple of years.) Things that should not have been forgotten were. And then the lass, older and wiser and no longer remotely innocent, not even when it came to dolls, unpacked a box and found them again, and wondered why she'd purchased all these Kens. And then she found two of them in a position that you wouldn't think Kens would ever get into, there not being much point unless you're anatomically correct, and it all came flooding back.
And she giggled, and donated the dolls to charity so that they could make a new generation of girls love the gay.
The End
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