Can't make the commitment to long-term fic? Not to worry; these stories will be in your life and then out again in the time it takes to brush your teeth. And while they'll leave something behind with you, it won't be a disease, a pregnancy, a bad taste in your mouth, or a new psychological scar to add to your burgeoning collection. Fast fic: the
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Comments 8
Ouch. I hadn't read it before. But. Yes. Ouch.
Mmm. I love him so much.
(Also, if I might be so bold as to pimp one of my own works -- I wrote Jecht/Auron/Braska, In the Calm Lands, for the polyficathon a few weeks ago. Smut and angst, because, you know, theirloveissodoomed.)
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I got so teary when I got to Zanarkand and was watching all the flashbacks to their pilgrimage. So much love. So much angst.
(Also? *Thrilled* that you think I write a good blowjob. Yay!)
I find that I love Auron like crazy, and I rather like Rikku (though I don't want to see them together), but most of the main characters I can take or leave. More's the pity.
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