The other day, a blogger I read intermittently said she really loved packing and moving. I had to leave the computer for fifteen minutes to avoid leaving a comment that a) called her a psycho lying liar pants b) advised her to seek therapy IMMEDIATELY for the sake of her children and c) begged her to come take care of our move, since she likes it
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Now as for my soft fuzzy comfort stories. My personal self indulgent guilty pleasure is kid fic. Pandarus just posted another bit of the John Gabriel Winchester series That's the most recent one, but the others are linked there, because she loves her readers and wants them to be happy. It's not really a wip. Each story is self contained and John Gabriel is possibly the cutest half angel that ever walked the earth. As opposed to the cutest quarter Vulcan to ever walk the decks of the Enterprise in Role Model and it wasn't until I went back to find that link that I realized that was one of hers, too, so let's find you something that isn't kidfic and isn't Pandarus.
Have you read the Jim Kirk as a LOLcat story in the kink meme? The last two sections are buried in the threading, so you kind of have to dig for them ( ... )
Can that be done? It seems like a genius idea....
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