[Rant]: Fantasy Warnings

Jul 24, 2009 23:08

I love love love authors who use warnings, largely because I rely on them. But, in addition to the big important warnings, I think we all also have fantasy warnings. Or, okay, I do. Here are just a few of the ones I long to see on stories - or, hey, I'd like to slap them on myself, sometimes ( Read more... )


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svmadelyn July 25 2009, 07:01:58 UTC
Spock is not going to spend a lot of time sobbing into his pillow. (Which is good, because crying Vulcans are very bad for morale. In fact, I'm betting the Enterprise's alert scale goes something like this: yellow alert, orange alert, red alert, oh shit we're all fucked alert, and, finally, the dreaded crying Vulcan alert, which immediately enacts the wills of everyone on board, supplies them all with a powerful euphoric narcotic, and notifies their next of kin.)

This needs to be a story, like, stat. Where Spock shows an emotion and blinks back a tear, and the yeoman makes a sound of distress upon seeing this and pitches her clipboard to the side of the bridge and flees, and like, everyone aboard the Enterprise starts sending out letters to their loved ones because HOMG SHIT IS GOING DOWN AND NOT THE NORMAL SPACE AMOEBA TYPE THE LENGTH OF TWO HUNDRED FOOTBALL FIELDS SHIT EITHER.


simplysly July 25 2009, 07:40:02 UTC
Except, you learn later, it wasn't really an emotional tear... there literally had just been something in his eye. He was very confused by the humans running around the ship as if the sky was falling, even more so than usual.


laura47 July 25 2009, 08:39:16 UTC
awesome idea. :-D


svmadelyn July 25 2009, 14:53:42 UTC
Yes, that's beautiful. I was going to say he was really possessed by aliens, and there WAS cause for hysterics, but I like this one.


bloodanna July 25 2009, 21:40:29 UTC
But, he wouldn't get something in his eye: Vulcans have like a film/see-through lids over their eyes that keeps out sand and stuff. It comes from living on a desert planet.

... I just outed myself as a totally geek, didn't I?


thefrogg July 27 2009, 21:36:59 UTC

Can I borrow this plotbunny?


simplysly July 27 2009, 23:57:38 UTC
Sure! Have fun!

bloodanna mentioned that Vulcans have a film thing over their eyes, so maybe his was malfunctioning, and the tear was seen after he was leaving sick-bay?

Or, you know, whatever.


thefrogg July 28 2009, 09:20:00 UTC
There is now fic.



thefrogg July 28 2009, 07:39:13 UTC
Oh dear god.

I was hoping I could do this as comment!fic, but...

Somehow I don't think so. Maybe.

::stares at page two of fic::


illariy July 25 2009, 17:43:46 UTC
I want this story so much. *wants* It reminds me a little of the creepiness of a smirking Spock in the ep where he was possessed by Henoch.


thefourthvine July 25 2009, 22:55:43 UTC
I was going to say that after extensive panic-related shenanigans, they learn it wasn't an emotional tear after all, but I see simplysly has beaten me to it. This is a story that must happen IMMEDIATELY. I am not sure I can ever be happy otherwise.


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