[Poll] Perceived Kinkiness

Jul 10, 2009 11:20

I am having a crappy day, people. I come to you for entertainment and distraction.

So, the other day - or maybe it was the other week; I'm not exactly Speedy Jenny, here - frostfire_17 said something that interested me. She said that she thinks Reboot Kirk would be kinkier than TOS Kirk ( Read more... )

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hannahrorlove July 10 2009, 19:10:13 UTC
To find a baseline from which to judge, I looked at the online OED. The third definition of the noun "Kink" is as follows: A sexually abnormal person; one who practises sexual perversions; loosely, an eccentric, a person wearing noticeably unusual clothes, behaving in a startling manner, etc.

Disregarding the notes about clothing, as that can vary within a few square miles of a single city - Los Angeles with its bikinis and Orthodox Jews, for example - we are still left with a broad base from which to judge, by "pervesions" and "abnormal." However, to go by the first part of the first definition of the adjective "kinky" is a bit more helpful: Having, or full of, kinks. With kink being taken to mean an abnormality or unusual trait.

Oddly enough, this seems to throw the sexual opportunists on this list - Captains Jack Sparrow and Harkness, for example - into the low numbers. Given their general willingness to have sex without thought of any associations to the act beyond the sex itself, their lack of concern over any additional aspects beyond one or more mutually willing partners, and compliance with the wishes of said partners, they seem to be decidely non-kinky. Should the other person score on the high end of the spectrum, that would do little to dissuade them, just as a partner on the low end of the spectrum would as well. This is, however, not taking such characters as Castiel and the Doctor into account, as such individuals who are removed from the general concerns of the species are unlikely to bother themselves with thoughts of sex, much less kinky sex, except as an anthropological curiousity.

And I even have the perfect icon for this.

Why, yes, I did have a bad afternoon and decided to sublimate with academic language. This might go a long way towards explaining academia in general, come to think of it.


thefourthvine July 10 2009, 23:15:59 UTC
Oddly enough, this seems to throw the sexual opportunists on this list - Captains Jack Sparrow and Harkness, for example - into the low numbers.

And, see, this is mostly where I place them! (Jack Sparrow seems kinkier to me than Jack Harkness, who seems totally non-kinky. I mean, Jack Sparrow's primary love interest is a SHIP. That's kinky!)

And I even have the perfect icon for this.

You really, really do. *admires it greatly*

Why, yes, I did have a bad afternoon and decided to sublimate with academic language.

I hope your day improves. (And I was in a similar situation, although I went to the poll route. *g*)


hannahrorlove July 11 2009, 00:20:10 UTC
His love interest, yes, but this poll is about sex rather than pairings. When it comes to sex, Sparrow has no outside requirements beyond, as I said, a willing partner or two. Harkness is even less worried about the circumstances of the situation - not even the Blitz is enough to stop his flirting. Although he is perhaps one of the best-informed characters in fiction in regards to "no means no."

It's gotten better after buying blue eggs and cooking some tasty zucchini. There'll probably be tea later, too.


strangerian July 11 2009, 02:27:37 UTC
Hmmm, Original Kirk's love interest was often thought to be his ship, which of course didn't stop him from pursuing Babes of the Week (on the show) and Spock (in fanfic). He still loved his ship best.

Hmmm, this reveals a lot about conflating loyalty, romance, love, sex, and kinks, but that's Epic Adventure TV, and (not coincidentally) fanfic, for you.


fish_echo July 11 2009, 01:02:07 UTC
Why, yes, I did have a bad afternoon and decided to sublimate with academic language. This might go a long way towards explaining academia in general, come to think of it.

You have no idea how hard I am laughing right now. Because you are utterly right that it might explain so much. (And the formatting requirements for theses! Surely some of that must have been happening!)

Hope your day gets better and that you have a lovely weekend.


hannahrorlove July 11 2009, 01:48:57 UTC
I've heard the notion that academic politics are among the worst of all because the stakes are so low. Perhaps if by taking these together, a working theory of academia can be introduced - although for such a theory to be taken seriously by the very people it is describing, one would have to be particularly careful to make sure they would not take it as another joke.

Thank you. My day perked up immensely after dinner when I helped a neighbor unload his truck. Nothing like hard physical effort to improve one's mode after it's done.


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