pruning for autumnal reawakening...

Sep 05, 2008 23:29

ladies and gentlemen...

by the time you read this, i will have reduced my friends list quite considerably. as you'll probably have noticed, i haven't been very active on here for a bit, or indeed very socially active in a general sense. i feel like i'm getting there, but i was finding the size of my friends list pretty daunting, so. i have reduced it in the hope that it will hasten my return to being sociable.

generally, if you've been removed it's because either you've disappeared from LJ, or i don't feel like i know you. however, if you would like to continue to read my friends locked posts [once i start writing them again...], please ask to be added back and i will probably do so. after all, if i didn't want you reading my stuff, i'd had removed you from my friends list a while ago. :)

if i've caused any offence, please accept my apologies. however, this is something i feel i need to do, so. whether i've kept you on the list or not, i wish you happiness and fulfilment.