Before anything: Guys, this was an amazing experience! Thank you all for your warm comments. I will definitely be doing this again one day in the future. I don't think right away, but keep your eyes open!
And the winners are...
- #49- capacheno
- #10- ninomiyacoyi
- #79- jutjull
Please PM me with your address and the color you want on the end of the chain!
For everyone else: Coupon codes!
When I went to create the coupon code on Etsy, I wanted to make a $4 discount. Sadly, the only thing that they let us do with our discount codes is either free shipping (which is $3) or a percentage discount. And that would be fine, except it's a percentage discount for the whole shop- not just the bracelet. I was worried someone might use it on a $40 necklace by mistake and I'd lose nearly $15 of that! So instead I chose the free shipping, and I lowered the price for the bracelet by $1.
The coupon code is AMNOSBRACELET
Note to any fans in Malaysia who want to buy this:
Because our countries don't ship from one to another, if you'd like to buy this please PM me, I have a friend from Indonesia who I can send it to, and she can send it on to you.
Click on the picture to get to the listing on Etsy!
If you have any other questions for me, please feel free to PM me or message me on Etsy. Thank you guys again so much! ♥
ETA: I see all the comments and I'm going to try and reply to everyone, but right now everything's a bit hectic for me, so I'm a bit patchy on replies. Hopefully I'll finally get caught up next week!