This little tidbit of joy made my morning more fun today. Tl;dr: Arashi is short, in related news, the sky is blue.
This brought out some of the best in the "brand new information" type comments, and of course, the trolls. And inevitably, the fan-dumb segment that always, somehow, magically feeds them. Can't let them trolls starve now, can we?
Honestly it amazes me that people even pay any attention to this anymore. So you read Arama. Did you not read the bit where both of these people were winners in the category of "Biggest troll of 2011"? Really? It gets better, because their comments were mind-numbingly stupid, and yet people still rose to the bait. Dude, half the fun of watching trolling happen is the new and creative ways they use to make peoples' brains explode.
I don't mind trolls. Every fandom has them, and they're frequently more amusing than not. But the whole point is that they're hilarious, not just taking cheap potshots. But even to those cheap potshots, the fan-dumb replies. You're not just feeding the trolls. You're making them lazy!
*sigh* I wish we could go back to the day where a certain modicum of intelligence was required to do real and amusing trolling. This shit's just boring.
P.S. Interesting brain hiccup: On first glance, I though Nino in the picture in the article had a halo. But nope, that yellow line is referring to his height. Anyway, Nino should NEVER have a halo. Devil horns, maybe 8D.