the meaning of life..

Aug 16, 2006 01:09

... and why can't people stop talking about it.

as a guy who once delivered flowers to dead people, i spend a lot of time thinking about our time here. topics like happiness, focus, obligation, freedom, and love all just go mushing around my head. i have it bad, but not nearly as bad as all these other fucks. holy shit, i can't go anywhere without being heckled by people about the meaning of life and how it should be lived. everywhere, people are lost. they havent the slightest what makes them happy, they can't believe in anything, they don't want anything.. they are just here. they are 20-35, and they are here.. confused. and so am i, so why people keep asking me while i'm just trying to have a beer and watch the game, i'll never know. i missed baseball season at the bars because of this shit. i got thrown out of suds and duds because i didn't buy into someone elses shit, and i left old town earlier than i would have liked because someone wouldnt stop talking.. about.. this.. shit.. AM I FILMING THE WAKING LIFE? really.
phil's got god, so he is set. never questions what his life is about. soliders and patriots, they have something that they want to desperately die for. Us, the consumer cow numerics with no direction, what do we want? this is why being bitched at stinged so much. because that drunk fucker was partially right. i'm not going to DIE to defend a lifestyle of beer drinking and snatch chasing. nor am i going to revolt over a cigarette ban. i'm a flexable consumer product without a political will. or atleast without a notion of right. i think of lots of things i find are WRONG, but i can't come up with a better way, or what is right.. i'm just lost. i'm just a commerial on myspace, a commodity to be sold, and someone that has to buy something sometime. a PBR drinker, a clone.and people are realizing this, but there are a lot of casulties. the greatest generation? they are still out there, storming around like zombies running the show. they are still in power, but they are dead. they want to turn this country into a funeral and tomb. they want to pass on a way of life that they love that is believed in by a minority. the rest of us? well, we are floaters. we don't know what is important to us until we have a wife and kids. and even then, thats as short sighted as we are. we don't love our government because we cant trust it. we are too disconnected. sitting in a booth casting a vote to a nicely spell name next two a button? i shit in boothes at baseball games. the guy next to me pukes in them apparently. often at that. i don't feel like i'm part of a community IN A BOOTH. I don't want to feel like the center of attention for disagreeing, but at the same time, i'd like to talk it over. especially when it comes to KILLING PEOPLE, DROWING PEOPLE, HAVING TOO MANY PEOPLE, AND LYING TO THEM.
i hate not trusting the government, i try to hard. maybe its because they let the media be their mouth piece. the media soured in my mind, but then if i was only hearing what the government said, i'd believe it less. so in retrospect, i'd say i distrust the media about the government because i think the media is the government.
i don't like wearing pants, but i do it so i can't still get paychex.
and if you ask me what makes you happy? or what YOU should do? how lost are you? i'm blind. if someone asks me what makes me happen, my staple answer.. oral sex. other than that its either "i have no idea" or "none of your business". i can't tell you what will make YOU happy (but i'm betting oral sex is up there), thats something yooou have to figure out. this is why i hate bars, alcohol makes people DUMBER, and more talkative. if i can't bring shampoo on an airplane, some fuckers should have to check their personaliity short comings at the door. because you mix a self loathing individual with few drinks, and you have an exsplosively LAME conversation that rivals swallowing razor blades and living to vibrate your throat muscles about.
of course, i can't imagine why i'd be hard to establish an identity here. god is dead, art is dead, america is a "MONARCHY" ( we have the freedom to not trust them, which is good because they don't deserve it), the media sells passports to vagina, philospohy cant even be spelled right, and we look for cultural insight from the WB. we can't decided on which color of lame government we want, and why are we defending this with our lives? a paycheck?
i am lost, and the more lost i look, the more questioning idiots i attract, and seriously folks ... i'm not a fan of pants.
i found hope in books once. in Ishmael oddly enough. i felt funny wanting an assualt rifle and a granola bar, so i accepted that we are all fuct. i look at it this way. in the 80s they said we'd be dead in 20 years due to pollution, in the 90's they said 20 years, now we are putting it off more. people say they wouldn't want to bring a child into this world.and they are right, because despite reports saying we have 20 years of civ ahead of us before we start eating eachother, they have NINE kids.. i call that an investiment. by my count that 15 steak dinners.
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