
Nov 27, 2007 19:18

Age: Unspecified, but I'm guessing 9/10 years old. Because she has lived "outside of time" with Flora in the Sacred Grove for an unknown period of time, she could possibly be older, but she's undeniably a small child.
Height: Okay, I worked this out from a scale figure once, but promptly forgot it. I *think* it's 3.5'
Weight: Something like what? 50-60 lbs? That's being generous. TINY WITCH IS TIIINY.
Medical Info: Wears glasses for reading and writing; otherwise generally healthy!
Eyes: Blue (although the videogame made them brown)
Hair: Green! Has the distinction of being the only human cast member with lol anime colored hair.
Physical traits: Tiny little girl in purple robes and witch's hat. She's attached to her outfit because it was made by her mentor, Flora.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: I'd rather that she not know that she's fictional and that she NOT know the nitty-gritty details about Guts' past.
Abilities: As a witch, Schierke can:
* Summon Local Spirits: For her major spellwork, Schierke will astrally project to find local spirits and ask for their aid. As a result she appears to be somewhat posessed by that spirit.
* Create Barriers: She can create a small barrier by creating a magic circle with a bit of rope and some various objects. For a larger barrier she relies on sigils on small bits of paper and help from elemental spirits from the cardinal directions.
* Create Wards: Part of Schierke's role in the story is to periodically seal Guts and Casca's Sacrifice Brands to keep them from attracting evil spirits and hordes of undead.
* Herbalism: Schierke is seen creating herbal remedies on occasion.
* Astral Projection: In addition to searching the astral plane for helpful spirits, Schierke has used this to dive into the lead character's psyche and pull him out of a Berserker rage.
* Telepathy: She won't *overhear* you if you are also a telepath; it seems that she'll only hear what is directed to her. She can also communicate to non-telepaths by having them tie a bit of her hair around their finger.
*Ect: Schierke's withcraft has other miscellaneous applications: she has summoned fire with locks of her hair, driven off trolls with particular berries, and she can probably make mud golems, as well.

Notes for the Psychics: She'll probably know if you're poking around in her brain. You'll probably find that she's sad about the death of Flora, worried about keeping the everybody from home together, aaaand she has a Big McLargeHuge crush on Guts. She's somewhat embarrassed by this.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Ask for bodyswap/shapeshifting, but minor/comedic abuse is okay.
Hugging/Kissing/Other Non-Violent Physical Contact: HUG THE WITCH. LOVE THE WITCH. She'll be embarrassed and flustered...and might conk you if you're a little shonen retard, but the girl needs wuv.
Maim/Murder/Death: This is a BIG NO.
Emo/Angst/Drama: She's from Berserk. She has been INSIDE GUTS' MIND. In other words, yes, we can do angst. Oh how we can do angst.
Cooking: She can cook up a vegetarian meal!

info, ooc

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