Aug 12, 2010 12:37
As I walk I tend to engage in an inner dialog with various me-entities. When I do this, I have noticed, I make several discoveries. Today's highlights include reasoning on the Mosque being built near Ground Zero and what Human by The Killers actually means.
I will start with the Mosque. Surely you already know of the whole controversy regarding the religious center that is in the works to be built two blocks from where the World Trade Center once stood and surely you already have an opinion on it. I don't care about your opinion. In my opinion, there really is no need to have any controversy with this matter. It is a religious building for Muslims, not a terrorist cell. Why must we consider it wrong to build such a center? If anything, it is a great political move to encourage the world that we, America, are not The Great Satan as so many others perceive us to be. Most arguments against I have seen are nothing more than the ravings of the ignorant and racist. Muslims are not terrorists. They are not terrorists in the way that all Christians are not the Westboro Baptist Church. This building could lead the way to promoting acceptance among the opposing religions, which is something we desperately need in the seemingly impossible fight against poorly educated hate speech. Also, the Burlington Coat Factory is not hallowed, stfu.
With that business out of the way, I bring up the confusing and frequently ridiculed song Human written by the handsome and strangely feather-friendly Brandon Flowers. The lyrics "Are we human or are we Dancer?" seem almost nonsensical at first, but let's look a bit deeper into the music. My thoughts are that this song is, in reality, about Brandon's existential crisis with facing his own Mormon upbringing and the glittering lights of the modern world and the rock star lifestyle that comes with it. I think, when he asks whether we are human or dancer he is asking instead, "Are we animal or are we art?" Which, can be associated with the classic debate on whether we are wild beasts that evolved from goo or are we perfect creations crafted by the hands of some god. It's evolution vs. creationism! When he says further in the song, "And I'm on my knees, looking for the answer," I can easily imagine this to be him trying to turn to his faith for truth and coming back empty-handed.
Jus sayin.