[accidental voice post]

Aug 16, 2008 00:29

Alright. Let's do this.

Uhh, let's see here...kinda been a while...

[sudden chatter of Darklings. Jackie is moving around, slowly, purposefully.]


[A very strange sound. Perhaps of one slipping into the shadows and going through a wall at Latimir?]

Hope it's dark in there, guys....

this is the weirdest frikkin' thing ever.
[aaaand he's through. Wailings of wallbabies and a keening are suddenly heard, and Jackie's voice becomes static-y.]

Woo! I....what is....

[the wailings grow a bit louder. Dragging footsteps are heard, approaching Jackie.]


- woah, no evil zombies, plea -


I'm stuck.

latimir, oops, darkness powers plz!, walter, big damn hero, wut, /fails hard, d'oh!

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