Writer's Block: Week in Review

Jun 22, 2009 02:40

Ooh, nice question :)  Happy things!

Well, I had strawberries, I had an excellent game of Pictionary (one of the words was 'thong.'  My teammate was laughing too hard to draw, but so was the opposition.  I got it, though! only because I know her well enough that I could use our psychically joined minds).  Oh, and there was getting a handful of books from the library for 25 cents each :D

The best part would have to have been the contra dance last night, though.  It was a BRILLIANT DANCE.  There were lots of friendly people, the band was fantastic, and it wasn't ridiculously hot in the dance hall, which is always a plus.

Oh, and there was a guy there who was probably my best partner ever.  My big problem when dancing is my braided hair--I do my best to reign it in, but it always ends up coming out, and it's long enough that it can pose a threat to whoever my partner is when they decide to spin me.   (an accurate term would be "over three feet of black hairy death".)  So, naturally, I try to avoid smacking people with it, which means I try to avoid spinning too much.

This guy loved it.  He thought it was awesome that my hair swung out that far, and he made it his goal to spin me as fast as possible, as much as possible, just to see how ridiculous my hair could get.  He was smacked a good few times, but he seemed to find it brilliant that my hair was trying to eat him.  That's probably a mark of insanity, so I should beware, but he was a fantastic dancer, and extremely cute besides, so I'm not going to complain for the moment :)

Anyway, I'm also trying to put the metaphorical pen to the metaphorical paper, but the hypothetical muse (I'm starting to doubt his existence, he's been so absent recently) is relaxing in a hammock on a beach somewhere, so I'm off to chase after him.  I hope you all have good weeks!

contra dancing, writer's block, random

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