Writer's Block: Gender Bender

Jun 15, 2008 17:25

First let me say that I do not support the use of the term "Gender Bender" as the title of this post.  I decided, however, that since I am in fact using the writers block prompt provided by LJ I might as well use their title.  Even if it is something like "Gender Bender,"  which is the title used in every magazine for every article on transexuals or Shakespearian heroines.  Just because I'm talking about gender does not mean that I am bending.  As an answer to the question, though, yes, I have thought about what it would be like to be of the opposite sex.

The only thing that attracts me to the idea is the thought of the knowledge to be gained.  For one thing, I would feel different.  I won't go into the details here, since it's pretty much just an awkward moment waiting to happen, but the fact is that I would be in a male body, instead of the female body to which I am accustomed, and that would be bizzare. 
For another thing, people would probably treat me differently.  Having never been a man, I don't know how I would be treated.  But people certainly treat males and females differently, albeit slightly.  For instance: sitting in school, I would probably be asked to take my hat off (if I happened to be wearing a hat.  I've never been that much of a hat person, but let's just suppose).  As a female, that never happens.  (Mostly because I don't wear hats.  But my female friends who do wear hats are never asked to take them off in class, unless they're bright pink and glittery, which is not far fetched at all).  I'm not really sure what this means; if this has some sort of deep psychological imprint on humanity--"It is not permissible for men to wear hats!"--but it's the truth, and that's just an example of how I would be treated differently were I male. 
You know, I just reread the hat paragraph and realised it doesn't make any sense.  Maybe because I haven't slept properly in ages.  But anyway; moving on.
This entire question depends on whether or not I'm actually completely male, or just inhabiting a male body.  I've been treating it as though it were the latter, for the sake of argument.  But if the question is "What if you were male," then the answer is--"I dunno, what if I were male?"  I would just be male.  That's all there is to it.  I wouldn't be used to being female, so I wouldn't think anything of it.  Until I logged on to LJ and was presented the question again, at which point I would write about what it might be like to be female.

I could go more in depth here, but I'm watching a documentary on an opera, from a backstage point of view.  It's awesome; I wish the high school theatre had all those great toys the recources the opera house has, like the smoke machine and the giant snake.  So I'm not going really in depth about the whole gender analysis right now.  I know what I've put together is pretty much rubbish, but I promise, it makes sense in my head, and if I had the energy to make it pretty it would make a lot more sense.  But this is a really fantastic set.  Oh man, though there are so many opportunities for things to go wrong... And then everyone knows that the techies are there, which is never good... but if everything goes right, no one even aknowledges their existence.  It's a hard life.  (but I wouldn't give it up for the world). 
I guess it's a good thing the theatre doesn't have all this equipment; I'd never leave.

females, males, theatre, writer's block

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