Nov 09, 2008 07:31
It is where poop comes from.
I've been up for maybe about 22 hours at this point, I can hardly be blamed. Honestly, I only said I would make an LJ post about butts to be ridiculous, but I AM GOING TO POST THIS.
The gluteus maximus (or glutæus maximus) is the largest and most superficial of the three gluteal muscles. It makes up a large portion of the shape and appearance of the buttocks.
I totally wanted to draw things today, but I totally couldn't! Nothing but a few meager sketches, anyways. I enjoyed movies, though, and lots of unhealthy food, and got to see friends I haven't really had a good chance to hang out with in, like, months. That is what is important to me.
The English word of Greek origin "callipygian" indicates someone who has beautiful buttocks. However, the qualities that make buttocks "beautiful" or "well-formed" are not fixed, as sexual aesthetics of the buttocks vary considerably from culture to culture, from one period of fashion to another and even from person to person.
I am feeling pretty good, I gotta say, even though I lack sleep and, really, nothing's going my way. Not in the least. I'm just happy with good friends.
"Dumper" sometimes denotates the buttocks, especially when talking about a large butt.