Wow is all I have to say about Salt. pretty much God did some awesome stuff in me. I really needed to feel God's love during the hole thing. The enemy has been try to make me feel forgotten, left behind, and stranded. I finally came to the revelation that God does that because he wants all of my attention. We wants to show me that he is the only one that will ever be truly faithful to me. He hasn't left me at anytime.
For the Sugar Bowl I went over to some of traci's friend's apartment to watch it. So we're 13-0 baby, and that's why we're awesome. War Eagle
But anyway I was able to learn weird stuff about my self and others during the week of salt.
1) I praise God in my sleep and tell him I love him
2) I have violent unconscious night terrors when I thought I just had conscious ones.
3) Amy Voss draws in the spirit too.
4) I finally admit to liking What Not to Wear that comes on TLC (whatever happened to that channel? I've haven't seen a history show on there in years. But I also don't watch TV so eh....)
5) And oooo oooo I've learned how to win a box! (sorry about the fuzzyness of the pic)