Aug 05, 2005 03:09
There are stealth helicopters that fly around at 2:30 in the morning without any lights on. I know this because Tyler knows this, and because I was trying to tell the story of what happened during the evening to my buddy who, for the sake of anonymity, will be known as Boone. I was trying to tell the story about how I heard a story told earlier that night but the Stealthicopter totally ruined it with its noise.
The FIRST story went like this:
So check it Boone, Im hanging with this 32 year old mentally handicapped* guy.........
The SECOND story went like this:
So this dude tells me that he likes it up north during the winter better than in Florida. I ask if its because of the snow and he says"No, I dont like snow time when I was nine I stayed late after school and the janitor raped me and threw me out of a four story window to die in the cold."
Needless to say my mouth dropped...............So that is the story of the stealthicopters that patrol every night where the dead people the bradenton skies.
*I used the politically correct term so you would know that I meant he was truly retarded.