Taking Back Sunday is both over and under-rated

Oct 14, 2004 14:38

I have reason to belive that we will all develop permanent back and neck damage from wasting our lives in front of computers. Carpel Tunnel for everyone. Would there be more or less war if the Earth was still Pangea? Discuss amongst yourselves. Senses Fail friday. I bet someone somewhere would call me gay for seeing a "sell-out" ex-drive-thru band (i think that whole sentence could be hyphenated). Something to the effect of "im a scene faggot." But I really dont care anymore. Its not my fault the "scene" happens to be good music now instead of LINKIN PARK and POD. Underoath is a studio band Im sorry to say. I saw them a few weeks ago a the club on campus and since a lot of livejournal people seem to dig them I figure I'd let the proverbial "cat out of the bag". Like you all I love "chasing safety" every fucking song. There live show is unbelievably lackluster and pathetic. Guitars were muddy and the guitarists kept fucking up really bad. The drummer sings melody and he thought he was a badass by beating the absolute shit out of the drums during soundcheck (really being a dousche bag by seeing who would cover their ears while he whacked away, fag) but then 2 songs into the set, he was pusseytapping like Creston sophomore year. He would not sing choruses at all then tell the audience to sing louder. He couldnt even talk between songs he was so out of shape. The bassist was so boring I dont even remember what he looked like. The keyboardist/mixer looked like a really overweight blonde Jordan Chaplinsky (sp?) and all he did was use his left hand to hit and sustain a chord while his right hand got his hair out of his face and spun in a circle above his head to get the crowd pumped up. The bastard also danced like a jew out of water. The crowd......way bigger than I expected for Underoath. Not too mention most were frat guys with flipped-up collars and toted thier girlfriends with them. The only song anyone knew was "reinventing" and the rest of the time they just kinda bobbed back and forth. The lead screamer was actually kind of impressive. He not only did his part well, but also covered most of the drummers parts when he wouldnt sing.He also vommited which is very cliche, but funny. There was also some definite inner-squabbeling going on in that band. The night after the show they cancelled a bunch of upcoming shows.

Anyway, album grade=A- Live performance=D-. If anyone cares about this then i would be surprised but it killed about a half hour of my day so fuck it. Later
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