(no subject)

Jan 20, 2005 01:33

You really wanna know what is fucked up? well well well...sit back kiddies I have a story for you.
Well it is monday night like midnight right. and i decide i wanna go to the new 7-11 downstairs in the dorm for junk to fill my trunk. so i go with 2 of my friends and oh yeah for the future keep in mind that 7-11 is never crowded at midnight ---NEVER---- so i go down and all i bring is my dorm i.d. card and my credit card ---sounds reasonable right im only going downstairs whaat else do i need? well let me tell you the 7-11 was packed ! i mean packed! like no other i was feeeling nervous there were so many people. So im in the front of this lonbg ass line and i have a slurpee in my hand and some chips my total is like 3 bucks and i swipe my card--- bad swipe try again ---i swipe this fuckin thing like 5 times before the man behind the counter tels me it wont work and im like you idiotr enter it in manually then! you can do that --hello! sso he does and like 2 minutes later he tells me that my credit card was declined! fuckijn decklined---this iss jessus punishing me! for all tyhe times i wished i could have told someone that at tubbya and never had the chance -- so bitter me goes back to my room to grab my other credit card and goes all the way back down. I go in and paay and then when im on my way back into the building i had to scan my card so that the security knows i live here --- when i did --- this siren started goin g off! a fucking siren --SERIOUSLY WHAT THE FUCK--- so the man proceeds to tell me that i still owe 25$ forgetting a new card after the other one broke--which by the way 25$ is bullshit fuckin rip off taking advantage of students crap!!!!!!!! so i am allowed to go up and everything ---i then proceed to stay up for the rest of the night till 6:30 in the morning with my friend charle and my roomate because we are finishing finals projects. right so now i get like 2 hrs of sleep and wake uop to go to my final design theory class.
---i look strung out --dirty---and it was the perfect look for my beautifull PRADA'S by the way i looked fuckin hot in that shit--- anyway i go to class im almost late had a really long morning and all i wanna do is sleep. i com,e back to the dorm and have my arms loaded with shit i just got done walking in a blizzard againsrt the wind i lookj strung out and all i want is my bed.
--I swipe my caard and the fucking siren goes off--- i am then told that i need to be escorted by a security guard to the second floor managment office! and thaat by doing this toi me is a way for the m,anagment to harrass me into paying my 25$ fee.
--- well you all know me i was fuckin livid im talking im like a fuckin crack head without a fix with hot ass PRADA'S on my head. so i get up there and ask them why ? just why i had to be escorted like a prisoner? a ccriminal in my own home ---no answer!!!! no one would answer me. and who was i stuck to handle this problem with ? well remember my last journal about the nasty bitch on the second floor who is incompitent? it was her!!!!!!!
--- so im crazy, angry, yelling, i look like a lunatic for real--i wish yelling at her. im surprised i wasnt taken away or something. so i tell the manager above her " the lady at the desk" that she was----- incompitent at life and cant handle a simple task --also that i refuse to pay 25$ for a piece of plastic and that they are taking advantage of students and treated me like a criminal---i throw out a couple obsenities and keep referring to the bitch at the desk in the third person calling her incompitent at l;ife.
--- to cut it short --- i was takenm down. like david and goliath --i was goliath a screaming lunatic beast aqnd david was the little man i had to settle my case with. he beat me -- i have officially been out faught. i have been beatebn at my own game and for once couldnt fight my way out of a situation and get what i want.
---im really depresssed and sad at this--plus this wa actually a lagitimate case and i wwas beaten by a little man! i hate little people--hate them--- and i hate the woman at the desk she is a bitch and the lady at tyhe securtity desk. no one that workkks here has a soul no one at all!!!!!!!
woah is me
----please be proud of me though --i actually told someone they were incompitent at life to their face and to them in the third person as if they werent in the room ---i rock!!!!!!!yeeeeah!
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