Mar 15, 2009 17:54
Okay, this on? GOOD! Monodramon of Ryo, Mono would like to say she had a good time, but this virus seems to come in waves for her, so she's currently hiding behind a bush! MONO. IT'S ON. COME ON, SAY SOMETHING.
Th-this is inhuman!
Awww, I'm only being mean because I ship it! NOW AS I SAID. Mono had a great time and would like to-
Do you hear that?
Hear what, Gelda?
Like a...high-pitched...squeal, or a...scream. Familiar too, but- ohmaiwhatthe-?!
[And lo, a young female scream is heard, first soft and then getting progressively louder, until Gelda screams too and there is a crash/thud and two groans]
L-Lady Gelda!!!
Oh, my head... !!! S-Syl?!
Ahhh... Where...? ...Gelda...?
Syl!! [happy laughter] Looks like the whole gang's here n- uh oh what's with that face?
Oh boy.
Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! A human fell from the skyyyyyyyy!! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Is that my Tamer? My Tamer? Huuuuh?
...Maybe we should turn this off for now.
[ooc: Normal is Gelda, Italics is Mono, Underline is Sylvia, and Bold/Italics is Sylvia's partner, Tokomon]
mousy monodramon,
the search for a decent man: mono style,
friends: syl,
friends: they fall from the sky