kink meme recs [star trek xi, e]

Jan 06, 2010 23:08

i had to start off with star trek, it being the fandom that ate my brain. now, i do have squicks and other things i tend to stay away from, like het, but give me something really well-written and i won't care, so in that vein i give you these three short fics for your perusal: pike/gaila semi-public sex, kirk/spock harsh spanking, and a sulu/chekov bedwetting story. i honestly didn't think i'd like that last one.

Fandom : Star Trek XI

Title : Old Enough by taraljc
Rating : explicit
Characters & Pairings : pike/gaila
Length : three and a half comments worth
Warnings : what, pike being a gentleman? ;D
Summary : prompt asks for: extracurricular activities. interpret however you wish, anon. i just want some Pike/Gaila porn.

My Rave Review : it's PIKE and GAILA. hell yes he needs a cute little orion girl to wrap her legs around his waist. in my head canon number one taps that while pike watches. but back to this fic, gaila's as charismatic as all get out, and pike's little moment of putting his jacket behind her head so she doesn't bash her head against the wall just slays me.

Title : Spock's Problem by anon (scroll down for it)
Rating : explicit
Characters & Pairings : spock/kirk
Length : four comments worth
Warnings : i am, honestly, iffy about the consent part of it, but it does touch on that, and they are going to be okay
Summary : prompt asks for: spock spanking someone.

My Rave Review : ok, so to tell you what i like about this fic is to tell you what i don't like in fics, and that's: if you can take a pwp in one fandom and take out the names of character a and b, put it in another fandom and insert characters y and z, and it still works for that second fandom, it really doesn't work for any fandom. there may be other fandoms out there with a stoic repressed guy whose one true love is an enigmatic genius with a death wish, but! spock's really fighting with himself about this until the opportunity presents itself, and kirk's grinning until he realizes he's bit off more than he can chew, and the best part of this is the ending where they do honestly care for each other.

Title : Call it a Ritual by anon
Rating : explicit
Characters & Pairings : sulu/chekov
Length : six comments long
Warnings : bedwetting, slight watersports (i'm placing these in different categories, since no one's actively getting pissed on)
Summary : er, anon asked for sulu/chekov bedwetting

My Rave Review : there are two fills for this prompt and they're both really good. for both, the embarrassing thing turns into another aspect of trust between chekov and sulu, and something that chekov had to hide turned into something safe. this one (i'm trying to explain why i like this one better without inadvertently hurting the feelings of the first author should they ever come across this) has sulu being a bamf and dom-my, and then this one's longer and has sex, and the sex makes it the situation better but it's not just about the sex, it's about them and how they've worked this out, and anything titled with wolf parade lyrics gets an extra point in my book. usually anything involving non-traditional body fluids requires me to skim through with one hand covering my eyes, but like i said above, if it's written really well, i won't care.

kink, rated e, star trek xi, !vellum

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