Theories About Nuclear Winter [Calvin and Hobbes - Calvin/Susie, T]

Jan 06, 2010 16:49

Fandom : Calvin and Hobbes
Title : Theories About Nuclear Winter
Author : hollycomb
Rating : T
Characters & Pairings : Calvin/Susie
Length : Middling to long (it's a two-parter)
Warnings : None to speak of!
Summary : When Calvin finally sorts out his feelings for Susie his timing is not great.
My Rave Review : So, I lied. I completely forgot about this fandom when I did my intro comment. But Calvin and Hobbes is a canon I think most of us are at least familiar with, and while the fandom is small lo she is mighty - it has consistently produced some of the very best and most thoughtful fics I've ever read.

This fic proves the rule. It was the single best story I read in 2009 - I laughed, I wibbled, I squeed, I outright sobbed at three separate points - so as I went through my Delicious account I knew it had to be the first fic I recced here. What's it about? Calvin's all grown up, in high school, every inch the genius delinquent we knew and loved in the comic. He and Susie have grown apart over the years and Calvin is, at the start of the story, unhappily dating a pyromaniac named Jessica. As he makes his plans to run away and work on a shrimp farm in Florida he begins re-encountering Susie, seeing her in a different light, and falls for her all over again. Their love-hate-love-hate childhood dynamic is expanded upon and fleshed out in a wonderfully realistic fashion, and overall, the story is one of the most romantic, painful, and exquisitely sweet things I've ever read. Here, have a taster:
For an hour he just thinks about robbing banks with her. She'd be the brains behind the operation, the book-learned brains, anyway, and he'd bring an instinctual knack for thievery. Or, whatever, no one robs banks anymore. She'll be one of those doctors who goes to Africa and he'll be her driver, with a big rifle in his lap, fending off road pirates and murderous animals. But he'd only shoot the animals with sleeping darts. He digs Hobbes out from under the bed and tucks himself around his childhood playmate, who once seemed so big. As he drifts off to sleep he's thinking about himself and Susie in a tent in the Sahara, shaking sand out of their clothes and reaching for each other in the dark.
I can only hope you enjoy it half as much as I did - this story has stolen my heart completely.

rated t, calvin and hobbes, !vega-ofthe-lyre

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