5 questions round 2

Jun 08, 2008 19:10

from Bauke (wrimwramwrom noise lord of the northern reaches. AkA GILEZ.

1. What from Holland do you miss most besides Drum?
Lifestyle. It's NOT a thing to go out on a sunny Sunday/Saturday/anyday for a drink on a terrace at 2pm. I miss beer and wine culture. Cheap shows. Inexpensive wines and free healthcare. :/

2. Do you prefer a routined person you can learn from or an 'almost a virgin' who you have to teach which button to push?
I'm so retired from teaching. I'd prefer experienced individuals who 'think' they can show me a thing or seven. I'm pretty jaded to the point where nothing keeps my sexual attention for long. (To the point where I'm actually enjoying my current involuntary celibacy)

3. Your favorite smell?
Ooh. You know that damp smell that permeates a wooded area after a really drenching rain? Yeah that smell. Second favorite smell would be a full breakfast (eggs, toast, scrambled eggs with cheese and a massively crispy side of bacon) with coffee.

4. Coffee or Chicken Wings?
Tough. Really tough. Day Starter or Life Appetizer? Day Starter or Life Appetizer? Day Starter or Life Appetizer? Day Starter or Life Appetizer? Day Starter or Life Appetizer? Wow. I can't answer this one. :(

5. Is there such a thing as too much? Or 'too' in general?
Yes. :P But thats just because of my desperate need to switch shit up every-so-often. (Which often results in me not completely finishing whats been started---even if i really want to)

and 6. Miss me? ;-)



Continuing this all week. Five questions, ask and i'll (try to) answer.
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