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Apr 30, 2006 11:12

So yesterday I was reading this article on butt sex-or Analingus (yes they called it that). And all the way through they kept saying stuff like:

When you partner inserts their fingers, it may feel like when you have a BM...

When your partner enters you, imagine you're having a BM...most people think they tense up when they have BM but they actual relax...

I COULD NOT for the life of me think what BM stood for...I was thinking: is this a gay sex act previously unknown to me? Something to do with blowing? Somthing to do with members?

BUT then....
half way through QI I had an EUREKA! moment...I stood up and yelled BOWEL MOVEMENT!!! HOLY WTF? then lou told me to sit down and shut up so I did.

I knew I loved Steven Fry for a reason.

They also wrote this (and I may be paraphrasing): DO NOT insert anything into your arse that DOESN'T have a flared end, unless you want to end up in the emergency room-now is it me-or does something with a FLARED END sound just the thing to warrant a trip to A&E/ER/george clooney????!!!

I can't believe I just wrote this

EdIT:EL-Gay posted this three times XD I think it hates me oh yesh
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