[RP secrets - F!S - Reggae Roots - OT3 Anyone?]

Apr 07, 2008 14:48

Well! Someone made a secret about my Lee, Tj's Ino and Joy's Gaara. What a random pleasant surprise. XD;


You can find it here. http://community.livejournal.com/rp_secrets/10860.html


How flattering. =D Fanservice, sweethearts?


Eveyrone laughs at me each time I ask, 'What is that?' I find that I am severely lacking when it comes to knowledge of dirty-language.

I will write down my learnings of recent for reference. All defined by
mellfromva. Thank you for clouding my virgin mind. ^_^b

Greasing the Pig - Uhm...I forgot what this means already. I am not sure if I want to remember. X_X

Teabagging - Dangling testicles over one's face. Not one's own testicles, though...that would be rather odd.

'Coin Purse' - Testicles. Mell had to silence me when I stated that I was looking for my coin purse as we were going out to eat and I needed my money.

...This makes no sense to me, however...and I will continue to call my coin purse a 'coin purse'. Testicles do not hold my coins. :/

Oh Gosh...This song gives me memories XDD;

And yes, I can understand what he is saying. I understand English XD;


Oh, btw...I posted a very obvious secrets on F!S that should be showing up in any of the future posts...I'll give cookies to anyone who figures out which secret is mine <3

Oh yes! And...based on a link I found on
kageisuke's journal, I made icons from the lawl that was the Iron Hymen:


If you don't get it, go to: http://www.ironhymen.com/

sortinghat, leeinogaa yes plz =d, lee, leeinogaa = ot3?, sh, dirty words, rock lee, reggae, super cat

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