One day while having an extended conversation over the phone with Kris
ladyofrohan439, we decided to collect all of our favourite, lulzy videos from the intarwebs, and post it in a series of entires.
These are some of my favourite lulzy videos of all tiemz. Under a cut.
...You know, since posting 3946349564359 videos in one entry raeps one's browser.
...Now that I realize it, it was Kris who sent me most of these. Aha. o.o;
First, here is one of the finest example of belly dancing fails EVAR. It was posted on the belly dancing community. As a self-respecting professional....I do not know why I am posting it...
...Oh. I did it for the lulz.
Edit: Watch until 1:15. The lulz comes around the first minute.
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Hey everybody...Jump up and applaude...because I am going to play SHOGI NO HOOSHI~!
This. This literally had me busting a gut...I could not stop LAUGHING. This is lulz to the Max.
...I suggest you watch this if you have TIEM. Only is you have TIEM to spare, and can handle laughing for 15 minutes straight.
This man is simply genius.
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Part three of the True Naruto Style Series.
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A fave. ^_^
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Oh CHRIST. A CLASSIC IN TIME FOR the passing of CHRISTMAS. Everyone in our social group knows, loves, and is traumatised by this song:
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Cute lulz.
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