Tough Love or Why I Am Not Parent Material

Oct 16, 2010 01:05

"He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him."

--Proverbs 13:24

Watching a play (PETA's Rated PG, a must-watch for parents and kids alike) on parenthood and child discipline has reinforced to me one thing: that I am still an immature brat in need of a good spanking.

But kidding aside, I am one person who shall never, ever understand parenting. Or children for that matter. I do not see myself raising kids. Or being a parent. Maybe that's because I'm not one. But don't get me wrong, my hat is off to parents, my parents most of all, whom I have seen spend every effort they could in raising Sarah and I.

Like what the play said, there are some things that parenthood can never truly explain. Like why parents spank children. Or why children behave badly to spite mothers and fathers everywhere. Sure, psychologists may have loads to say on the matter, but really, it clearly all boils down Very, very tough love.

My Mom quit her job in real estate in December 1991, just a few months after I was born and a year before my sister came along. She was up for a very significant promotion the following January, but she readily gave it up. I used to ask her why she did it, and of course she would answer, "For you." By all means it is a touching, noble thing to do. I'm pretty sure little would be able to do what she did for us.

She used to say "I have no regrets," and indeed, to some extent that's true. The play has Joselle, the mother, struggling in her decision to leave for Barcelona, Spain, to work as an OFW and help out financially, or stay home and try to repair their slowly-drifting family. The trade-off my Mom sacrificed was clear: she was really a full-time mom for Sarah and I, completely tuned to whatever needs--and wants--we had. I sometimes think that I would prolly be a different person now had she remained employed.

But that's what deeply bothers me until today--I refuse to believe she is regret-free. I don't want that ever to happen to me. I do not want to bear the burden of even the littlest regret or what-if. I want my ambitions and dreams completely fulfilled.

That, I know, is the ultimate selfish act. But I don't care, really. I know the world's going to fuck me up sooner or later anyway. Might as well do something for myself before that happens, yes?

This is why I'm never gonna be a parent.

love, parenthood, discipline

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