On the 17th floor of the Aboitiz Corporate Headquarters in Bonifacio Global City, a digital camera focuses, and then softly clicks. Stilettos shuffle on the carpeted floor, and make-up brushes gently sweep across the colored dust of Max Factor. A battle is definitely brewing.
As part of the ongoing Aboitiz Digital Transformation Journey, the
Aboitiz Green Fashion Revolution has now gone fully digital. No longer limited to the fashion runway, the chic team members of the
Aboitiz Reputation Management Department are now ready to strike their finest, freshest, and fiercest haute couture poses-both on the catwalk and online. Aided by their most technologically-advanced mobile devices, they are now locked in a competitive contest of form and function in the social media space. Will you help us win?
Help Team 10 (Aboitiz Reputation Management Department) win the People’s Choice Award at this year’s Aboitiz Mannequin Challenge Team Competition. PLEASE LIKE THIS VIDEO, AND ENCOURAGE OTHERS TO LIKE THE VIDEO ITSELF AS WELL. Thank you!
#AboitizMannequinChallenge #MannequinChallenge #AboitizTechTheHalls #BetterWays #BetterWorld #GFR2016 #TeamReputasyon