Accidental Video Post 25

Sep 09, 2009 20:08

[The feed turns on to show Madara's room, obviously the Akatsuki members had brought him there a week earlier. His body is lying on the bed, unmoving and in the same outfit that he was wearing the day he died. Armor is still broken up and his clothes are ripped up around his chest. The gashes along his chest are mostly healed (due to them being almost immediately life-threatening if he woke up again) but the rest of his injuries, bruises, broken bones, cuts, are still on him.]

[After a few minutes of playing, a groan can be heard from the body's direction. After a few seconds, Madara's hand twitches slightly. After this first sign of movement, Madara finally opens his eyes with a groan of pain and, almost immediately after, then closes them again. He knows that he lost and he knows that these injuries of his will have him out of commission for a while.]

[Though, if he had anything to say about it, he still wasn't going to let any of this get in his way. Stupidity or Uchiha's hard to decide which it is]

Damn Animus...they won't be so time...

[He licks his dry lips and attempts to move, only to agitate his broken legs.  He grunts in pain before settling down again.  He'll need a medic but his pride won't allow him to ask]

[The feed ends]

OOC: He lost his mangekuyou Sharingan, which will take away a few of his abilities (a few Sharingan based ones) but the loss is more mental for him, since the Animus messed with Izuna's eyes.  He won't be happy when he finds out.

i'm back, i hate you all too, hate you animus, lost my mangekuyou, animus, hurt, ouch

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