Accidental Video Post 63

Jun 15, 2011 16:43

[It has taken Madara a few days to finally walk into Itachi's old room, seeing what might have been left behind of Itachi's that could have been useful.  He still has not ventured into his brother's former room, but that is a post for a different day.]

[As he enters the room, Madara places his PCD on a table in the room (and from the camera's angle, the table is rather dusty from lack of use) and he moves onto different parts of the room. There doesn't seem to be much that is left over and, after a few minutes, the only thing left to investigate is Itachi's wardrobe.]

[The second he opens it, the whole room becomes covered in darkness and nothing can be seen through it.  The sound of heavy breathing can be heard for a moment before a sort of crazed laugh begins.]

You think this scares me?  You're nothing but a coward...come out and face me!

[He begins laughing once more and it sounds like he's destroying the wardrobe, since that is where whatever is doing this came from.  His laughter is that of a mad man and, after a few minutes, the darkness begins to fade and when it does, there seems to be something that is rapidly changing shapes, never stopping on one for more than a second, in front of Madara.  Before he can finish it for himself, the thing (seeing no hiding place in sight) cannot escape from the man anymore and sort of just...explodes into smoke.  Madara looks a bit confused, since the creature seemed to die without him doing anything.  Usually he has to do something in order to kill something...]

What the hell was that?

now you die man, biggest fear, intro of darkness, no redness or whiteness, brb crazy, lol, boggarts man, laughing

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