Accidental Video Post 39

Mar 13, 2010 23:30

[The room is dark when the PCD turns on.  Madara's corpse is dressed in white and tucked neatly into the large bed.  Next to the body, Izuna rests (though he hardly looks like he's resting peacefully).  Several minutes go by before there is any movement.]

[Then, seemingly out of nowhere, there is slight movement on the bed.  Someone might first ( Read more... )

can't see in one eye, i hate you hashirama, i hate you animus, left eye bye bye, death sucks, welcome back, not dead anymore, izuna

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in person // video?; visionofblood March 14 2010, 17:47:02 UTC
[He was sleeping deep and exhausted after days spent awake, teetering on the edge of adrenaline-fueled madness and protective hysteria. Out, finally, his mind is sluggish to wake.

He reaches instead, bewildered and yawning, to cling tighter against Madara. His forehead knits up before he stiffens in surprise when he realizes what this means. A hand scrambles up, touching light to Madara's pulse in shock.]



in person // video?; thefirstuchiha March 14 2010, 20:42:54 UTC
[Madara stiffens when a hand reaches to check his pulse, because he was not even aware that there was someone next to him. His senses were all out of tune with each other and he could no longer see anything on his left side, which is where the hand had come from.]

[He moves to see who it was next to him and he calms down when he does see that it is Izuna by his side.]



in person // video?; 1/2 visionofblood March 14 2010, 20:49:40 UTC
O-onii-sama ... [His hand trembles and curls near Madara's throat. Oh, he's back, he's back! Izuna's face crumples in relief and he scrambles to sit up, still half-asleep and sniffling.]

You've come back..!


in person // video?; 2/2 visionofblood March 14 2010, 20:50:53 UTC
[... days after everyone else.

Madara had died, he'd died, and Izuna had been all alone. He draws back from his frantic hug and hesitates when that hits him, and a rush of anger with it. Trembling fists ball up and his teeth bare. And for the first time he can remember outside a spar -

He hauls back and strikes his brother. A slap right across the face.]

Don't you ever scare me like that again!


in person // video?; thefirstuchiha March 14 2010, 21:21:49 UTC
[The blow strikes Madara and he makes no move to avoid it. He knows he deserves this from Izuna. He doesn't feel any guilt over the incident that occurred. He only feels bad that he left his brother behind.]

[Their roles seemed to be reversed this time around.]

I suppose I deserved that...


in person // video?; visionofblood March 14 2010, 21:48:34 UTC
[Izuna sobs and follows it with several kisses, peppering his brothers stinging face with affection. He fusses and pushes him gently back down on the bed, trembling with relief.]

Onii-sama ... does it hurt too much to move? I'm burning Hashi's house down as soon as you're well enough to leave. I want you to see it.


in person // video?; thefirstuchiha March 14 2010, 22:08:01 UTC
Not too much, Otouto. I'll be fine, given some time to heal. And I would very much like to see that happen.

Now calm yourself. Everything will be fine from here on out.

[He allows himself to be pushed back down onto the bed, knowing that Izuna will want him to get some more rest (and knowing himself that he needs just that to get back to full strength again).]

How long have I been gone?


in person // video?; visionofblood March 14 2010, 22:10:05 UTC
[Izuna nods and breathes in slowly, then out again, trying to soothe his nerves. He strokes a few locks of hair from his brothers forehead and mentally counts back.]

Seven ... no, eight days. You were gone so long, some said you might n-never return at all.


in person // video?; thefirstuchiha March 14 2010, 22:37:24 UTC
Eight days? Hm...that was longer than the last time.

Not even death could keep me from you, Otouto.


in person // video?; visionofblood March 14 2010, 22:39:43 UTC
[He sniffles again, moisture leaking beneath dirty bandages and trickling down his cheeks. It collects in the corners of his lips until he reaches up with another hiccuping sniff to wipe it away.]

Forgive me, onii-sama, I ... I couldn't even avenge you, I d-didn't want to leave your body. I've been here all this time, I was no use to you at all.


in person // video?; thefirstuchiha March 14 2010, 23:21:37 UTC
Don't worry about such things, Izuna. We can get our revenge on that bastard Senju another time. Starting with burning his house down.

Thank you for watching over my body. I greatly appreciate it.


in person // video?; visionofblood March 14 2010, 23:22:37 UTC
Try to get some rest, onii-sama. Thank you for not forgetting me ...


in person // video?; thefirstuchiha March 15 2010, 00:39:43 UTC
I will, don't you worry about that. Not even the Animus could take my memories of you away. I wouldn't let them.


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