The Valentines, pt. 1

May 30, 2007 21:49

So I haven't been online much; I've been playing the Sims. And I thought I would post up some pitures of what exactly I've been doing *coughwastingmylifecough* for entertainment purposes. I'm playing like, five families at once, so I'm gonna have to split this up a little. We're going to start off with the Valentines because they're the ones I've been playing with the longest.

Oh, and Becky? I'll give you a call back eventually. I'm having some phone issues at the moment; my phone can't hold its juice very well.

This is Cain Valentine. He's a vampire and currently in love with Fenrir Valentine (No, there is no relation; I'm not a sicko).

This is Fenrir.

Did I mention he's a werewolf? (He's got a creative name, I know.)

I like Cain because he goes into aspiration failure a lot. He has issues, I think.

This is Caesar Valentine; he's Cain's grandson. Issac Valentine, his partner/husband/lover/very-long-term-boyfriend, is on the right. I know you can't see his face. They are old and wrinkled now, but they were young once.

See? Young. Making a weird face, but still young (Well, not still, but you know what I mean).

Gotta feed that cowplant.

Caesar's a messy guy. Issac isn't so appreciative.

Messy, and full of energy. They love playing on the couch. Some form of ADD, I assume.

Seriously. I don't know what their fasination is. I don't even know how Issac is doing that.

Didn't get that part in The Matrix though.

I make them have pillow fights too. In their underwear.

And they have a daughter: Echo Valentine.

Yeah, she has a girlfriend: Evangeline Or. She's an alien (Duh).

Casear and Issac don't really mind. They're not ones to talk.

Not ones to talk at all.

But what's this?

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