(no subject)

Feb 04, 2009 15:28

Title: The Man of the Hour Hour
Author: thefiretonight and revengetherapy
Pairing: Patrick/David/Seb
Rating: NC-17
POV: 3rd Person
Summary: David guest stars on an episode of MOTH. Then MOTH guest stars on him.
Disclaimer: Don't own.
Author Notes: Written with my wifey bear.
Warnings: Graphic sex.

David grinned. It wasn't as if radio interviews were anything new, not in the slightest- but he'd been secretly pleased that Patrick and Sébastien had asked him to actually hang out in the studio with them for an episode. Apparently, they'd tried to ask Jeff to come in as well but he never seemed to answer his phone- and Lord knows where Pierre and Chuck had disappeared to, but it was a habit of theirs to fall off the map together like that.

So it was just David, sitting between where the Man of the Hour Hour's prestigious hosts would usually have their knees touch. And that was cool.

The show had gone well in David's opinion, even though the two hosts didn't let him pick out any songs himself. He just injected when he saw fit, not really caring for more than 3 of the songs that were chosen. "You guys are lucky I don't kick your asses for that little stunt with the Face to Face song."

Sébas snorted in response, leaning over David's shoulder a little to brush his hand against Patrick's, sharing a secret grin with the older man. "You act as if Pierre and/or Trever would actually listen to the show and hear that, Davh."

"They don't?"

"Do you?" Patrick smirked, thumb resting on Seb's wrist.

"Well... sometimes... but that was still not a cool thing to do." David pulled a face, tucking his fringe back behind his ear. "Anyways. What are you guys doing now?" He sat back a little, half-registering Seb's toes slipping out of his sneaker and up Pat's ankle.

Patrick let out a soft chuckle. "Well, usually, it would be one of us doing the other..." David's eyebrow shot up at the remark as his eyes watched Seb lean over him to catch the blonde in a quick kiss. "But we figured since you were here..."

"...Oh, that's right. David's the slut, I forgot." David rolled his eyes at the couple, then grinned slightly. "It's not like I have anything better to do... It's not like Chuck's going to return Pierre anytime soon."

Sébastien crept out of his chair until he was straddling the older man- which hadn't been the best idea on account of David was the only one with a normal chair, and the weight of the two broadcasters proceeded to make the wheeled seat roll backwards. He dug his nails into Patrick's shoulders, letting out a strange low squeak.

David couldn't help but stare at the couple as Sébastien backed the chair against the studio door, making sure to lock the door before turning his attention fully to Patrick. The youngest of the three planted his lips firmly against the blonde's neck, enjoying the soft purrs that flowed out passed Patrick's lips.

"We gotta get rid of that god-damn camera," he growled, raking short nails down Seb's back, tugging on his shirt entirely the wrong way to get it off (but managing to get Seb off). David bit his lip, half-sucking on his piercing in a daze; feeling colour slowly rise to his cheeks.

"Why...?" Seb replied, helping Patrick with the removal of the rest of his clothing, leaving the oldest man as the first to be naked. "You don't want to keep this moment on film to watch over and over, cherie?"

"I bet you, it'll make tons more than your clothing line," David's voice pierced through the room, lower than before. The bassist looked unashamed as he gently rubbed himself through his skinny jeans.

The younger boy flashed a small, dark grin as he purposefully shifted over the blonde's thighs, one arm draped around his neck and nose buried in warm, clean hair as he watched David sink back in his chair.

"Touch him, Sebby... I wanna watch him get hard in your hands..." David sighed softly as he unbuttoned his fly, his own caramel eyes not leaving Sébastien's baby blues.

Barely purring a laugh, Seb turned back to his co-host, best friend with extra special benefits, and slipped a small, rough, hot hand around Pat's cock, tugging gently to get his full attention and using every scrap of willpower to not just throw them both on the floor and screw his meillieur ami right there right then.

David's pants and whimpers were soft as he slid the tight jeans off his slim hips. Surprise, surprise, Seb thought as he noted that the raven haired man was not wearing any underwear. The bassist pulled his lip ring into his mouth as he matched the rhythm he was using on himself with Seb's on Pat.

"Oh, my god, stop," Pat whined, fingers curled tight into Seb's honey-brown hair. "You're gonna kill me like this."

Seb responded by sliding off the blonde's lap with a grin and made his way over to David who had his eyes closed as he kept pumping himself. "Dave... David, need some help?"

David laughed, but the breath caught in his throat. Sébastien knelt down at the bassist's feet and tugged his jeans right off past his ankles, folded his arms across David's knees with a curious smirk. "Well, hello, there." David's hand fell into Seb's hair as he thought about what he wanted the younger man to do.

Before he could speak up, David gently guided his head towards his thigh, shivering slightly as Sebas trailed light kisses over the milky white skin.

David's hands grew eager and urged Seb closer, but every pull was in vain; David wasn't the one running the show here, he was just a special guest.

"Uh, any time you have a minute, Sébas," Patrick called, slightly irritable and painfully hard as he watched the brunette play tug-of-war between the bass player's thighs.

Seb sighed against David's thigh, causing the middle man to gasp slightly. "You were the one complaining that I was going too fast, cheri. Next time, remember that." The boy, then lowered his head and finally licked along the bassist's cock. A guttural moan came from David, who again tried to push the brunette's head down gently.

Seb bared his teeth just the slightest, enough to make David hiss and twitch. "David," he cooed, resting his chin on his prey's hip, "you're not in charge here, you know."

"Then what am I here for?" the bassist growled slightly, bucking his hip against Sébastien's mouth slightly.

Suddenly, David found himself being lifted by his shoulders. Either of the boys had even noticed Patrick was no longer occupying the chair by the door. "I'll be happy to show you, Davh."

Briefly, he and Sébastien shared a look, a whole conversation conveyed in a gaze that David couldn't understand, and before he could even ask what was going on, Patrick was devouring his throat and pushing him down onto his knees, two pairs of hands firm on his hips.

"Sebby, did you remember the lube?"

"Nope, but I do remember that Davh loves to be rimmed, cheri."

David gasped, eyes screwed up tight as he felt something hot, damp, il ne sait quoi graze down his spine from neck to tailbone, dragging with a slow burn like a razor, down down down sainte merde as it pushed down the crack and his legs pushed apart, David's brain on overload as he slowly realized it was a tongue, Pat's tongue, and true to form the bass player was clean as a pin.

"Oh, fuck!" David cried out as he felt another tongue, now Seb at his front, licking back along his inner thigh, repeating his previous trail. "Are you two trying kill me? Cos, fuck it, this is the way to go..." The bassist felt no shame in showing the couple his appreciation.

Patrick grinned against the back of David's thigh, reaching between his legs for Seb's hands, small and sweaty and curling tight around his fingers. Sébastien leaned right down on his elbows and forearms, pushing the bassist's legs apart further and peeked up between the gap, stifling a laugh. Pat couldn't help but think his co-host's little gesture was fucking adorable and kissed him, only just; David could barely hear their muttering, half-English-half-Québeçois, all of it indistinguishable over his racing heartbeat.

"Sébastien..." David's mumble was low as he dipped a hand into the brunette's locks. The youngest of the trio flicked his tongue out along the bulging muscle before him, smiling to himself. It had been a long time since he got to be with David, the bassist finding other ways to 'occupy' his time and he was missed.

"D'accord, David," Seb sighed, rolling his eyes with a small smile; he nosed Pat's cheek and sat back on his heels, looking up at the bass player who was kind of looking back, eyes glazed over but in Sébastien's direction.

Patrick's strong arms lifted up the slim man underneath him as he pressed against David's, spreading his ass cheeks. "Sebby, move a little to the side til I get a good rhythm..."

David leaned back, dark hair kinking and curling and matting against Pat's shoulder as he dropped his head, cheek scratching against the older man's stubble.

"Think you can handle me, eh?" he teased, painted (and chipped, naturally) nails digging into Pat's sides. Patrick wiped a smudge of eyeliner from near David's nose away with his thumb.

"Yep," he answered briefly, and with little other warning, held David in place and pushed into him.

A short gasp escaped David's lips, he tried to work with Patrick, pushing his hips back against the radio host's. Pat had no idea how David managed to turn enough to lick the small beads of sweat down his chin but he wasn't one to complain. He simply smiled down at Seb who replied with his own cheetah like grin, on his stomach with his hands propping up his head as he watched the show close to David's thigh.

Of course, the eye contact didn't last for long, and David's body gave way to impulse- somewhere between his eyelids fluttering shut and his stomach pulling itself taut he let out a low, loud moan. Pat sank his teeth into the back of David's shoulder, arms hooked around the younger mans torso to keep him upright and one hand falling down the slick angle of David's hipbone and so close to touching him that he whimpered.

"Sebby, please..."

Of course Sébastien was a good little soldier and looked to his boyfriend for permission, Patrick giving him in nod in between bites of David's fleshy collar bone. The guitarist gently placed his hands over Pat's, meeting the pair's fingers around the bass player's hips as Sébastien lowered his head and finally gave David the satisfaction of his warm, wet mouth.

Patrick really didn't know why anyone thought Sébastien was a nice, innocent boy... and then it occurred to him that probably all those 15 year old fan girls didn't see him go down on dudes like a porn star on a particularly regular basis; Seb was a dirty little bitch, if Pat's hand tangled right up in his hair and David's... noises were any indication.

Patrick, on the other hand, preferred to be subtle. Gentle thrusts were much more his style, even though they were partly out of necessity. He would never hurt Seb or David, on purpose. He simply enjoyed the tight heat of the raven hair man while waiting for his co-host's cue of bobbing up and down quickly as his sign to let go.

David's nails raked across Seb's back, tiny half-moons leaving dents in milky-way patches of freckles where he'd held on too tightly- he was so close now but neither party were showing any signs of slowing, almost like they were screwing through him, maybe he wasn't the centre of- ah - attention here after all...

Sébastien surprised the both of them. At once, deep throating David and grasping onto Patrick's ass, forcing the older man to move faster inside the bassist. Patrick had no clue how Seb managed the feat but all of a sudden, his position was just slightly changed and David was so damn tight around him, Patrick thought the middle man might never let him go after wards. If the former merch boy had been coherent, he would have questioned just how much time his lover had spent with David if he knew what would have triggered that.

Pat whimpered under his breath, the noise muted by David's arm; his knees were really starting to hurt, and no amount of clawing at David's chest could seem to keep him upright- with a few short, rough, blissful thrusts he came, struggling not to just slump forwards. David growled, burning from a new kind of fullness whilst Sébas still serviced him, nose almost brushing against his treasure trail.

It didn't take long for David to follow Patrick, bursting into Seb's small mouth. The bassist had no idea where he got the strength to, he should have been spent. But he found himself shoving Sébastien onto his back as he took care of the youngest's erection.

A few minutes had passed before any of the men bothered to move or speak. Sébastien's limbs were tangled around Patrick's as he spoke up. "So, thanks for being on the show, Davh."

David couldn't help but giggle at the comment, tucking his arm back behind his head as his breathing pattern finally settled back. "No, thank you having me, Sebby." A very familiar ringtone came loudly through the studio causing the bassist to groan. "Looks like I gotta go, boys."

"Tell the missus we said hi, Davh," Patrick's grin was lazy as he ran his fingers through Seb's hair.

"Ha, ha. I'm hoping Chuck wore him out a bit. I don't think I could go again tonight after that. God, I'm getting old." With that, David laughed, pulling his clothes on and kissing each of the couple's foreheads before heading back home.
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