Lame how you guys didn't comment to say 'Iheartyouu!' on the last entry.

Dec 07, 2005 18:27

The quickest way to a man's heart really is through his stomach, because then you don't have to chop through that pesky rib cage.
- J. Jacques

I am so happy. Today I had two presentations that went so very smoothly, it was great. Yesterday I got my final math test back and I've gotten the highest I've ever gotten before: 97. I'm getting no less than a B- on all of my classes, As in two of them. I must say, though, that I should work a little more; I'm pretty sure the only reason why I'm doing well is because i know this stuff already.

I'm writing an alarm clock for my final project in CPS. I don't know how I'm going to make it look, since I don't know the first thing about a gui. I was wearing Adam's shirt yesterday, but I'm wearing a shirt my MOMMY gave me today. :D Nate invited me to the arts house this weekend. They have Soul Calibur III; that means I'm there. I need to do laundry and clean my room again.

I feel good and tired at the same time, so I kinda want to dance and sleep. Simultaneously. Now THAT'd be ill.

It's really funny; I found out yesterday that a guy I found terribhly attractive (for reasons I don't quite understand) might be gay. I know he hooked up with another dude friend of mine, but he could be bi? Could be drunk? I don't know why, but I will get very upset if he ends up being gay, even if he never finds me attractive.

Well, no. I know why. If he's gay, there will never be a chance that he finds me attractive. The fact that there are men in the world that are averse to women and therefore averse to me is dissappointing. And I'm generally oblivious to these things, damnit.

I really want pictures taken of me. I don't know why. I have a severe urge to be feminine.

blah/menial life update, precalculus, computer science, college, quotes, friends, photos, kill people, games, love, aesthetics

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