Hiding from Insanity, Idiocy and Ignorance

Jan 22, 2013 19:47

When I first encountered Tumblr, I had no idea what to make of it. In time, like thousands of others, I got hooked on it. It's still not my preferred method of blogging (that's what LJ is for) but it is useful for other types of blogging I do (beauty blogging comes to mind; Tumblr makes me get to the point). The one thing I've been on the fence about with Tumblr is their tagging system. Yes you can make them as varied and as long as you would like but then there's how people find you through tags. It lacks a degree of privacy, which might seem silly given you're putting anything online, but at the same time I don't want it easy to find. My piece of the internet you know? Thus why I've stayed with LJ.

After some big kablooey that I have no idea about, I'm going to hide from the OUAT fandom on Tumblr for a bit. Some of those people are batshit insane. Some are very nice but the ones who are batshit insane you need a vacation from. Fandom is my hobby, my religion (by anthropological and sociological terms); I enjoy it. After a day of work or school I do not want to be going onto the Captain Swan tag to see slinging insults of rapists. Seriously, when did that become a word to fling around like "fuck"? Has no one taught moderation in language? A person who says fuck rarely is more likely to be heard than one who uses it ever three seconds.

Like I had stated in what fandom has taught me, it has taught me tolerance. Just because I do not like a ship or character does not mean I should bash the people who do. This means not flinging around words like rapist. In our over-sensitive world, I get there will be things where eye-rolling would be more appropriate but rapist is not one of them. You know what goes with that word? Violation. Humiliation. Destruction. Coercion. Yeah, not the word.

I'd been feeling a bit mellow about the whole Rumbelle ship after this week's episode, but it did spark some renewed interest in the Captain Swan ship. I do not ship these couples the same way. Rumbelle is redemption and sex. Captain Swan is for snark and giggles. I find more enjoyment in reading the verbal foreplay than actual smut. My current desire is a fic where the topic of Emma courting Hook comes up to Charming and Snow; Meet the Parents in Fairy Tale land sort of thing. The scenarios that I conjure in my head are hilarious and that's what I'm looking for, not the above lack of maturity. If I was looking for that, I'd go to certain peoples' Facebook pages.

once upon a time, f-ed up

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