...Wha Now?

Oct 14, 2012 13:12

I think my userpic has the most accurate representation of my expression after a long day of work to find...no DC Nation. Insert a blink here. No DC Nation. Still not computing. I mean Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot. Okay I'm seriously perturbed about Cartoon Network's decision. I had thought they were supposed to be this holy animated channel that you only hear about in hushed tones on this side of the Canadian border (especially while YTV continued to fall down the drain). I was so excited about getting a Cartoon Network Canada. Now I'm rooting for YTV to get their ass back in gear before then because seriously they've never pulled something like before. Mind you, I doubt we ever will get a superhero show back on YTV since Teletoon holds all the broadcasting rights.

But there is a small bright side. There's a bit of an iTunes hiccup so you can download the episodes for this week of GL and YJ legally in the US. Of course this means also everywhere else if you know where to look. I've been using the internet for over 17 years now and I do not know how I would have survived without it these days. Having torrenting was a lifesaver back when A:TLA was around because it meant I could keep up with the episodes in the US. Then there's the fact that Coulson lives! The S.H.E.I.L.D. TV show has been green-lit and Clark Gregg will be in it as our favourite S.H.E.I.L.D agent. And it's done by Joss Whedon; seriously we can't get anything better than this. Though given Whedon's luck, I'm already worried about second or mid-season cancellations already.

Saw Arrow earlier this week and I'm still unsure about it. I wasn't wowed like I was with Heroes but I'm willing to give it episodes to hook me in. I just hope it doesn't turn out like Birds of Prey because they had some good ideas mixed with some unfortunately stupid ones that killed it. I was very amused to see Paul Blackthorne on it because instead of seeing Detective Lance on Arrow, I kept seeing Oliver talking to Harry Dresden.

young justice, green lantern:tas, harry blackstone copperfield dresden, marvel

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