I got home from Auckland last night, it was much fun, even if I am tired as crap. Thursday afternoon I went out to the zoo, which was awesome even if the tiger was busy being maternal, and the otters were disappeared. If I'd been there a day earlier I could have gotten up close and personal with the giraffes =( On Friday morning I did the harbour cruise, which was nice if a little cold (and we got to watch someone bungee jump), and then in the afternoon I went out to Rangitoto Island and did the tour there, which involved climbing the volcano. That was fine, but boy was I pooped by the time I reached the top. Random factoid, the volcano on Rangitoto island is the same height as the main observation deck of the Auckland Sky Tower, which is the tallest freestanding structure in the southern hemisphere. And at the top of a large steep hill that no one in their right mind would climb after climbing a volcano. As I don't seem to be in my right mind, that's exactly what I did on Saturday. But the view was nice, and I even stood on the glass for a little. Never again though, it's just not cool being able to see the cars driving below. After the Sky Tower I went to the Victoria Park markets, and was kinda disappointed. There was hardly anything there. After that I trooped up to the museum, which was pretty cool. I didn't go through the war exhibits though, they were too sad. Highlights would have been the Maori history exhibit (complete with people dressed up), the volcano exhiobit (there's an interactive section where you sit in a house and it simulates what would happen if a volcano erupted in Auckland Harbour) and the colonial exhibit - some of the 'buildings' were open so you could walk through.
That night was the Panic At The Disco, The Academy Is... and Cobra Starship concert.
A Kiss Goodbye opened, and either the vocalist is very shit, or they were the only band with shit sound all night. Next up were
CS, and they were awesome. I didn't want them to finish, except that meant that
TAI would be up, and they were also really awesome. I haven't been so delighted by a show since ... Gyroscope and Trial Kennedy at Karova (Soundwave is in a league of it's own). Then it was time for PATD, and, I have to admit, while it was a good show and I enjoyed it and all that, it was kinda boring. They didn't really fill the stage, and they all had their own areas marked out which didn't help. So, while it was good, it was about as exciting as Pretty. Odd.
On Sunday I spent the day bouncing from coffee shop to coffee shop because I was all sore and tired and couldn't think of anything better to do.
I'm kinda interested to see whether I have indeed forgotten how to speak properly, when I get home. Just recently more people have been picking up the fact that I'm Australian quicker (at the airport some crazy Kiwi lady started discussing global warming with me, only she was under the impression that the Australian drought was a plot cooked up by the farmers to get money out of the government, she offered me a booklet to read and from me saying 'no, I've got a book already' she decided I was Australian, but when I was at the bus terminal to go to the zoo, this nasty little Kiwi girl tried to tell me that I'd lost my accent! This was after giving me funny looks for a good 10 mins cos she thought I looked like someone she met last year. Which I wasn't because she's never left the country.) So I dunno what's up with that.
My next lot of classes started today, Great Books and Mind, Meaning and Metaphysics. We start with The Odyssey for Great Books, which is fine but I'm a little over it. I'm looking forward to Gulliver's Travels because I haven't read that since I was little. Mind, Meaning and Metaphysics is going to shatter my brain into little pieces and I can't wait.
I finished
Breaking Dawn last week, only it's been ages since I read the first three books so I'm going to start them all over again when I get home. I'm not really enjoying The Host as much, but I'm also reading it really tiny bits at a time. I like it when I'm reading it, but I just never seem to get around to picking it up.
I'm quite excited about Twilight, it seems to be replacing Harry Potter now that it's been moved to July (bastards) which is good because then I don't have to wait as long to see it. And I'm really curious to see how Robert Pattinson (Cedric from HP) will do as Edward. Actually, I'm curious about all of them, they all have such definite personalities in the books.
I'm very disappointed with Firefox right now. It decided to update itself, and the steampunk theme I was using it's compatible. Not impressed >=(
Also, I'm sucking pretty hard at Super Mario. I can't find Mario and I hate Yoshi.
Okay, I'm going to go back to The Odyssey so I can get it out of the way, that way I can do MMM on Friday when Tullamarine is my best friend.
PS. Gabe Sapporto's hips are seriously underrated.